The Morning Service:
Sunday Services start at 10:30am with the Mindfulness Bell, a signal for those gathered to sit quietly and compose themselves for the service. Services usually include the following elements: Welcoming words; Lighting the Chalice; Joys and Sorrows; Meditations; Music; the Offering; and an Address.
Our speakers are not limited by dogma and we encourage free discussion and exploration of divergent views and opinions. As a result our services can vary widely depending on the topic of the week.
Although many members donate through pledges, we also receive an offering during the service in support of the work of the Fellowship. Every Sunday, half the cash collected in our offering is donated to the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre.
Our Sunday services are now hybrid, serving in-person and online attendees live. An edited version of our video service is saved for members and friends to access later, should they wish to re-visit a speaker, or view a missed service.
Simply sign up for our Friday Notes mailing list in order to receive the relevant weekly links to join the service on Zoom. We look forward to getting to know you!
Coffee Hour:
After the service we have a coffee and refreshment time. You are welcome to stay and enjoy good fair trade coffee and excellent conversation. Some coffee hours include a discussion on the topic of the service.
After Service Events:
After the service we occasionally schedule activities that everyone is welcome to attend. From potlucks to workshops to book discussions. Events are listed on our Calendar.
What to bring with you:
An open mind and an open heart!
For more information check the FAQ below, or Contact Us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the Frequently Asked Questions are answered below:
What is Unitarian Universalism?
Unitarian Universalism is a non-dogmatic liberal faith movement. As UUs we covenant to promote our Eight Principles, and create a welcoming community where members with diverse beliefs can come together to nurture meaning, hope, and reverence for the earth as we pursue a more just and compassionate world.
Why do we light a chalice at our worship services?
The flaming chalice is the religious symbol for Unitarian Universalism. We practice the shared tradition of lighting the flame of the chalice at the beginning of each worship service, uniting us in worship, and symbolizing the spirit of our work. For a more complete history and explanation of the flaming chalice symbol, click here.
Do you have a children’s program?
Yes we do! Our Religious Exploration program welcomes children each Sunday.
Do you perform weddings and other ceremonies?
We do not currently have a professional minister, however, we do have a Lay Chaplaincy program, in partnership with the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa. Lay Chaplains are available to perform rites of passage ceremonies such as weddings, memorial services, and child dedications.
What should I wear to church?
There is no “dress code” and you will see everything from blue jeans to “Sunday best” worn by your fellow congregants. You may want to bring indoor shoes so you can remove your wet boots during slushy season!