We are a community of people who share many values about life, society, and the natural world. The Fellowship is a safe place to reflect on these values, explore what they mean in our lives, and possibly deepen our understanding through hearing others’ interpretations of these values in their lives. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ottawa is a caring fellowship where everyone matters and everyone has a say.
Responsibilities of membership are:
- To support the philosophy underlying the principles listed on the Our Principles & Sources page of this website;
- To participate in Fellowship governance and programs to the extent possible in ways that benefit both the member and UUFO;
- To make an annual financial contribution of record;
- To learn about the history and current situation of the Unitarian Universalist movement.
We welcome new members, recognizing that the decision to join is made freely. If you are considering membership, we urge you to become involved in Fellowship groups, participate in a UU Roots class, go to social events, and learn what you can about the Fellowship. If you wish to discuss membership with someone, please ask one of the people at our welcome table to direct you to the appropriate individual.