library display of banned book characters as cardboard cutouts


First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa


First Unitarian
30 Cleary Ave, Ottawa, ON


Oct 03 2023


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Your Right to Read

Your Right to Read and Discuss: the Impact of Book Banning
Tuesday, October 3, 7:30pm ET
First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, 30 Cleary Avenue
And live streaming on the FirstU YouTube channel

In recent years there have been regular reports from the US of attempts to challenge or ban books in school and public libraries. This has begun to happen in Canada as well. These actions strike at the heart of having an informed citizenry, which is essential for a functioning democracy.
This session will include panelists and discussion. It will describe the current situation regarding
book challenging and banning in Canada and the US and steps that have been and can be taken to reduce the damage that can be caused by these actions.

Sonia Bebbington, Chief Librarian and CEO, Ottawa Public Library
Mick O’Leary, former Director of Libraries, Frederick Community College, and member of the board and past chair, Frederick County Public Library, Frederick, Maryland

Justin de Jaegher, Chair, Social Justice Action Network, 1 st Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa