Illustration of two people speaking in speech bubbles


Dec 06 2023


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

“Can we just talk?” Meaning Making Discussion Series

Sign up for the Meaning Making Discussion series! (Email

This series is a Canadian Unitarian program, through which different Canadian UU Ministers share a reflection on a topic connected to Meaning Making in Liminal Times. Each month, we will gather to watch the video reflection, followed by time for discussion on the topic, facilitated by Laura Evans.

December 6 (Wednesday), 10am, in the Sanctuary

“In this polarized world … can we just talk?”

Rev. Brian Kiely
Conversation has become a dangerous thing! Will I offend you if I speak? Will I get attacked for
voicing an opinion? Speaking is becoming scary. Unitarian Universalists have always prided
themselves on freedom and rational discourse. I believe it’s the only way out of this polarized