UUFO chalice in front of a singing bowl


400 McArthur Ave. Ottawa

Other Locations



May 26 2024


10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Worship Service: SeedChange: Reclaiming the Power of Food

SeedChange: Reclaiming the Power of Food

Connecting people to leadership, justice and food security options and improvements has been at the heart of Kate Green’s partnership work at SeedChange (formerly USC Canada) for many many years. Though experienced in most of SeedChanges’ collaborations around the world, Kate has been a Program Manager on the Rural Women Cultivating Change program in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania since its start in 2021. On Sunday May 26, she will be sharing stories and insights into that program and how women’s increased leadership, quest for justice and food/seed security are intertwined and already showing some significant change.  https://weseedchange.org/rural-women-cultivating-change/

Speaker: Kate Green
Service Leader: Meagan Wiper

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