Donate to UUFO

We are a self-sustaining community, which means we are funded entirely by the generous contributions of our members and friends.

Sunday Morning Offering

Half of unidentified donations placed in the offering basket on Sunday morning is shared with the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre Food Bank.

Pledging Your Contribution

In the fall, members and friends are asked to pledge their planned contribution for the coming year, to allow the board executive to plan for the financial year ahead. Pledges are usually fulfilled by cheque, eTransfer to, or pre-authorized debit. For a full list of options for how to contribute to UUFO, contact the treasurer.

Contribute to a Special Fund

Beyond the general operating of our Fellowship Community, we have a number of special funds. Donations can be earmarked for your chosen fund, by indicating where the gift is directed in the memo of your cheque/eTransfer.

Legacy Fund

The Legacy Fund holds memorial gifts donated to UUFO in memory of a loved on, or bequests donated to UUFO in your will. Monies collected in the Legacy Fund are reserved for special projects to enhance ministries and programs within the Fellowship, as well as outreach beyond our walls. The Legacy Fund is intended for initiatives that enrich congregational life and/or the wider community.

Refugee Support Fund

Each year on Mother’s Day, our Refugee Support Committee launches a fundraising drive on behalf of organizations supporting the lives of refugees throughout the world. Past recipients of our Refugee Support Fundraising Drives include Flaming Chalice International and Oxfam.