UUFO chalice in front of a singing bowl


400 McArthur Ave. Ottawa

Other Locations



Apr 21 2024


10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Worship Service: Our Environment: Connecting Locally

Our Environment: Connecting Locally

The phrase “Think Globally, Act Locally” was coined decades ago but it is still relevant today. The environmental problems/challenges we are facing as a species seem insurmountable on a global level such that we often feel helpless and overwhelmed. But if we can address the most pressing issues at the local level we might find it less daunting and more manageable. Angela Keller-Herzog will be talking about her involvement with an Ottawa organization called CAFES (Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability) which is a network of local citizen groups who are actively working towards living in ecological balance and finding solutions to our pollution predicament. Also, Angela will stay after the service to answer any questions you may have about CAFES and how to get involved.

Speaker: Angela Keller-Herzog
Service Leader: Katie Lunn

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