“Who do we choose to be?” Meaning Making Discussion Series
Sign up for the Meaning Making Discussion series! (Email ARE@uufo.org)
This series is a Canadian Unitarian program, through which different Canadian UU Ministers share a reflection on a topic connected to Meaning Making in Liminal Times. Each month, we will gather to watch the video reflection, followed by time for discussion on the topic, facilitated by Laura Evans.
April 29 (Monday), 1:00pm, in the Conference Room
“Who do we choose to be?”
Speaker: Rev. Samaya Oakley
That we live in unprecedented times is a refrain we often hear too often these days. All the ways of living and being in the world have fallen away. As we begin to make our way forward into who knows what, how is it that we can love ourselves, our congregations, and our communities into a new wholeness. What do we want to be remembered for? Who do we choose to be in these times.
Speaker bio: The Rev. Samaya Oakley serves as the Minister for Calgary Unitarians. Once Rev. Samaya started attending a Unitarian Universalist congregation, she quickly became active continentally though the Youth Office of the UUA. After fifteen years of youth ministry, she entered ministry ten years ago. In that time, she has been involved in the CUC’s Truth and Healing and Reconciliation Reflection Guide team as well as the Canadian Widening the Circle team. She holds at the heart of her ministry the importance of relationships and compassion. Rev. Samaya is a strong believer in social justice and believes that our theology calls us to be active agents for love and justice in the world.