“Can We Give What We Get?” Meaning Making Discussion Series
October 26 (Thursday ), 1pm, In the UUFO Conference Room
Together we will watch a sermon by Unitarian Minister, Rev Debra Faulk & Rev Danielle Webber followed by our discussion.
#1: Can We Give What We Get?
How does our Unitarian Universalist faith sustain us? So much loss and change has diminished our feelings of well-being and connection while heightening the sense of scarcity and amplifying anxiety. What commonly held values can we call on to inform our responses, motivate actions and provide some ease? Could generosity be a response that expands to reciprocity?
Sign up for the Meaning Making Discussion series! (Email ARE@uufo.org)
This series is a Canadian Unitarian program, through which different Canadian UU Ministers share a reflection on a topic connected to Meaning Making in Liminal Times. Each month, we will gather to watch the video reflection, followed by time for discussion on the topic, facilitated by Laura Evans.