UUFO chalice in front of a singing bowl


400 McArthur Ave. Ottawa

Other Locations



Feb 23 2025


10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Worship Service: Compassion Circle

Compassion Circle: a space for open-hearted presence and deep listening

Join us for our weekly Sunday service, followed by coffee hour for connection and conversation!

Dr. Bianca Briciu will lead us in a Compassion Circle. There will be a demonstration. Then, those who wish to will have an opportunity to share and be received with active listening and deep connection”

Speaker: Bianca Briciu

Service Leaders: Fran Mowbray & Jennifer McSporran

Join us for our weekly worship service, in person at 400 McArthur Ave, or on Zoom. Sign up here to receive weekly Zoom links.