UUFO chalice in front of a singing bowl


400 McArthur Ave. Ottawa

Other Locations



Feb 02 2025


10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Worship Service: February 2

The Story of Selma

Join us for our weekly Sunday service, followed by coffee hour for connection and conversation!

“If the worst in American life lurked in [Selma’s] dark streets, the best of American instincts arose passionately from across the nation to overcome it.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Minister Emeritus, Rev. Fred Cappuccino will join us to share his story of Selma, Alabama, 1965: “I know some people will have heard this before,” he said, “but people forget.”

Speaker: Rev. Fred Cappuccino

Service Leader: allison calvern

Join us for our weekly worship service, in person at 400 McArthur Ave, or on Zoom. Sign up here to receive weekly Zoom links.