Upgrade Your Spiritual Self Care Workshop
Thursday, June 15th, 1:00-3:00pm
We upgrade everything in our life our cars, phones, most technologies require regular upgrading. But how many of us upgrade our inner systems regularly? Perhaps our default is running out of power.
Join Chipo for this workshop to help ground you, and fine tune your spiritual self care settings.
In this 90 minutes session we will focus on these 3 things>
- Assessing how the wellbeing is doing: Body, Mind, Emotions, Spirit.
Look at What or how do you talk or treat yourself?
How well do you know. - What you can do to begin getting back to center?
- Raising vibrations of your energy.
Reminders of little things you can do to stay focused on healthy you selfcare track. like
Conscious; breathing, speaking, responding, self appreciating.
Email ARE@uufo.org to sign up